Monday, June 12, 2017

Good-bye, Washington!

We have said all of our good-byes to beloved family and friends  (although there are still some we haven't managed to see while here 😭) and are heading out in the morning for Oregon.

It has been a very busy week. We feel like foreigners here in W. Washington any more; the weather is cool and overcast, the profuse landscape is lush and green (I feel a little claustrophobic!), the traffic is beyond horrible. But our precious family here makes it all worthwhile. They are difficult to leave. And so, Lord willing, we will be back.

I have a ton of pictures that I haven't downloaded. Will do that soon. Too many memories captured in them that I want to share.

I will get back to my saga soon. The story is too unbelievable not to record. A 'who-woulda-thought' kind of story. God certainly works in mysterious ways. What a gift when He lets us have some understanding about His ways, which are higher than man's. Until then......